
Este primul sistem de siguranță pentru motociclete care combină un radar de 77 GHz cu camere dual-channel. Sistemul de camere înregistrează evenimentele, în timp ce sistemul radar ajută la prevenirea accidentelor, avertizându-te în caz de neatenție.

  • Sistem de Camere Dual-Channel
  • Capacitate de Stocare: până la 256 GB (card TF)
  • Radar cu Unde Milimetrice 77-79 GHz
  • Distanță de Supraveghere: 50 metri, unghi de 150°
  • Clasificare Impermeabilitate: IP67


High Definition Camera

Dual 2K 30FPS and 1080P 30FPS cameras with F2.0 aperture lenses provide clear, low-distortion images.

Chips for cameras - what type of chips are used - 

 what are the advantages of this chip?
The Sony IMX 307 is a high-performance CMOS image sensor featuring 2.13 million effective pixels and a resolution of 1920 x 1080. Its exceptional low-light performance and dynamic range enable it to excel in complex lighting conditions.

Storage Capacity: up to 256G SD card

With dual-camera output, a 128GB memory card supports recording over 10 hours of video at high bitrate in 2K 30FPS and 1080P 30FPS, and over 13 hours at low bitrate. A 256GB memory card can record over 20 hours of video at the same high bitrate, and over 26 hours at low bitrate.

Efficient encoding

H.265 encoding technology saves storage space.

Specification Value
DVR Size Ø32*76mm
Radar sensor size 51.5*29.5*28mm
Control box size 68*45*16mm
DVR weight 68g
Radar sensor weight 150g
Control box weight 100g
Color Black
Storage TF card 8G~256G
Sensor G-Sensor
Wireless Connection Wi-Fi 2.4G
Video Format MP4
Video Coding H.265
Working Voltage 9-16VDC
Power Consumption <3.5W
Waterproof Rate IP67
Working Temperature -20℃ to -60℃
Storage Temperature -30 ℃ to -70 ℃
Front Camera Max Resolution 2K/30FPS
Front Camera Field of View 140°
Front Camera Lens Structure 2G+3P+1IR
Front Camera Aperture F2.0



At INNOVV, we specialize in crafting innovative devices that enhance your ride with safety in mind.

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